- Reinhard Golz, Dr., Prof. em. of Historical and Comparative Education, University of Magdeburg (Germany); Founder/Editor-in-Chief of IDE-Journal (https://www.ide-journal.org) from 2014 to Dec. 2020; e-mail: golz@ide-journal.org
- David Wicks, Dr., Associate Prof. of Curriculum & Instruction, Seattle Pacific University (USA), Editor-in-Chief of IDE Journal (https://idejournal.org/index.php/ide) since Jan. 2021; e-mail: dwicks@spu.edu
Senior Editors
- Arthur K. Ellis, Dr., Prof., Director, Center for Global Curriculum Studies; IDE Editor-at-Large, Seattle Pacific University (USA); e-mail: aellis@spu.edu
- Reinhard Golz, Dr., Prof. em., Historical and Comparative Education, University of Magdeburg (Germany); e-mail: golz@ide-journal.org
- Robin Jung-Cheng Chen, Dr., Prof., Comparative Education, College of Education, National Chengchi University (Taiwan); e-mail: robin@nccu.edu.tw
- Leanna Aker, Dr., Associate Prof., Teacher Preparation and Science Education, Albright School of Education, City University, Seattle (USA)
- Roman V. Beliutin, Dr. Prof., Linguist, Head of the Chair of German Studies, Smolensk State University (Russia)
- Galina A. Berulava, Dr., Prof., Educational Psychology, Rector, International Innovative University (Russia)
- Olaf Beuchling, Dr., Comparative and Intercultural Education, Evolution Studies; Research Associate, University of Hamburg (Germany): Co-editor-in-chief from 2014 to 2018
- Cher Edwards, Dr., Prof., Educational Psychology, Counseling; Seattle Pacific University (USA)
- Erol Esen, Dr., Prof., European Studies, Akdeniz University (Turkey)
- Anja Franz, Dr., Asst. Prof., Comparative and Intercultural Education Research, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg (Germany)
- Olga Graumann, Dr., Dr. h.c., Prof. em., Applied and Special Education, University of Hildesheim (Germany)
- Olga V. Gukalenko, Dr., Prof., Russian Academy of Education (Moscow), Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education, President of the Fund “CREATION” (Russia)
- Erika Hasebe-Ludt, Dr., Prof., Literacy, Curriculum Studies, University of Lethbridge (Canada): Co-editor-in-chief from 2014/15 to 2018
- Elke Hildebrandt, Dr., Prof., Preschool / Primary Education, Windisch (Switzerland)
- Sophia Shi-Huei HO, Dr., Prof., Educational Administration and Evaluation, University of Taipei (Taiwan)
- Evgeniy V. Ivanov, Dr., Prof., Continuous Qualification, State University, Velikiy Novgorod (Russia)
- Katarzyna Jagielska, Dr., Dr., Chair of School Pedagogy and Academic Didactics, Laboratory of Educational Microprocesses, Pedagogical University of Krakow (Poland)
- Solvejg Jobst, Dr., Prof., International and Intercultural Education Research, University of Bergen (Norway)
- Krisztina Kovács, Dr., Associate Prof., Educational Science, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education, University of Szeged, Szeged (Hungary)
- Nikolay D. Nikandrov, Dr., Prof., General Education, Russian Academy of Education; Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
- Andrea Eickhoff Óhidy, Dr., Prof., Intercultural Education, University of Education, Freiburg (Germany) and Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
- Philipp Pohlenz, Dr., Prof., Sociologist, Research into Higher Education and Academic Development, Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Humanities, Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg (Germany)
- Nikolay Popov, Dr., Prof., President, Bulgarian Comparative Education Society, Sofia University (Bulgaria)
- Hein Retter, Dr., Prof. em., International Progressive Education, University of Braunschweig (Germany)
- Pierre-Bruno Ruffini, Dr., Prof., Economics, Models of Higher Education, Faculty of International Affairs, University of Le Havre (France)
- Heiko Schrader, Dr., Prof., Sociologist, Transformation Processes, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg (Germany)
- Dorothee Schwendowius, Dr. Prof., Comparative and Intercultural Education Research, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg (Germany)
- Sergeyei N. Severin, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, A.S. Pushkin Brest State University, Brest (Republic of Belarus)
- Valentina Stadnik, Dr., Prof., Innovation and Strategic Management, Educational Administration, Khmelnitskyi National University (Ukraine)
- Liudmila Volosnikova, Associate Prof., Teacher Preparation and Inclusive Education, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogical Science, University of Tyumen (Russia)
- Dietmar Waterkamp, Dr., Prof. em., Comparative Educational Studies and European Education Systems, Technical University Dresden (Germany)
- David Whybra, Chief IDE language consultant (English), former senior lecturer, University of Hildesheim (Germany)
- Jing Xiang, Dr., Associate Prof., Head of the general pedagogic subject “A Scientific Approach to the Living Spüace of Children in the City”, Jiangxi Normal University (CHN)
Technical Editors (within the period from 2014-2020)
Processing HTML version and PDF download version of the articles
- Madelaine Saalmann, Master’s Student, Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Magdeburg (Germany)
Homepage Maintenance, format conversion
- Alexander Golz, M.A. soc., IT system administrator at German magazines (Frankfurt, Germany); Designer and Webmaster of IDE, 2014-2020
Language proof reading
- Roman V. Beliutin, Dr., Prof., Linguist, Head of the Chair of German Studies, Smolensk State University (Russia)
- Chong Jiong Wang, Dr., Educationalist, Chinese lecturer, Adult Education Centre Magdeburg (Germany/China)
- David Whybra, Chief Language Consultant (English), IDE Editor (Germany/England)
Indexing matters
- Cynthia Strong, M.L.I.S., Education Librarian, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle (USA) and
- Elizabeth Ebersole, M.Ed., Digital Education Leadership, Doctoral Student, School of Education, Seattle Pacific University (USA)