
A Provincial University at the Times of the World Pandemic: Preservation or Development?

Abstract: The authors describe the issues a Russian provincial university has attempted to adjust during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the significant challenges as well as the opportunities that faculty members and students continue to encounter during these times of uncertainty. Keywords: Provincial university, challenges and opportunities, uncertainties 摘要 (阿列克谢 ·米哈伊洛夫 & 玛利亚 · 布拉科娃: 世界大流行时期的一个省级大学:保护还是发展?):… Read More »


Reflection and Evaluation of Distance Education in School

Abstract: When schools in Germany were closed in Spring 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, distance teaching and learning was implemented. Teachers and schools strived to recreate learning programs and education in a new and unknown way. To learn about ways that distance learning can work well for students and schools, several teachers and principals… Read More »


Methodological Perspectives on Researching Home Schooling due to the Corona Pandemic: An Invitation to Think Further

Abstract: This article presents two quantitative studies examining the influences of the Corona pandemic for home schooling in Germany. Subsequently, the first impulses for a more profound qualitative oriented educational research should be given. In this way, this article attempts to identify the possibilities and limits of qualitative educational research, as was painfully demonstrated by… Read More »


Coronavirus Pandemic in Spring and Summer 2020 and the School in Germany

Abstract: What we are doing to continue learning during the current pandemic is not so much an experiment as a reaction. Given the rush to provide schooling for children and young people, helpful terms such as “distance learning”, “online schooling” and “homework” are mentioned. The author notes that both educators and economists are concerned about… Read More »


Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students and their Parents

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in school closures in spring 2020 in many countries, including Germany, to stem the spread of the virus. From one day to the next, school learning became the responsibility of parents, and school administrators expected teachers in all types of schools to switch from almost exclusively analogue teaching to distance… Read More »


What is the Future of Arts Education in the Midst of a Pandemic? It’s Essential, Virtual, and Hybrid for Now!

Abstract: The future of arts education is at stake.This paper attempts to examine the future of arts education via the responses of a qualitative survey, student samples, individual interviews, and research regarding arts education as essential education for all learners during a pandemic and beyond. The sudden decree that all attendance at public and private… Read More »


The Increasing Importance of How We Think of the “Others” During a Time of Uncertainty

Abstract: This article presents one of the current and evolving societal challenges during the time of Covid-19 crisis and uncertainty: equity in education. Equal opportunities and how we think of the “other” play a vital role on maintaining a stable society. Transformative learning opportunities develop intercultural competencies and cultural proficiency. Finally, a process model for… Read More »


Social-Emotional Learning in a Time of Chaos

Abstract: Over the last generation public schools in the United States have strongly emphasized student achievement as measured by standardized tests. In this paper the role Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) can play in improving student success is emphasized. Research on SEL has shown that student achievement is positively affected by SEL programming. Yet, an argument continues… Read More »
